Khyber pakhtunkhwa culture dress


The tradition male pashtun dress include the khat partug, and perahan tunban,male usually wear the kufi, peshwari cap, turban sindhi cap, or pakol as tradition headgear.


The traditional clothing for the lower region is the  khat partug  which is a shalwar kameez   combination and is worn by men and women.the khat also  called khattaki or in marwat pashtun,kemis) is the shirt  which fits  closely to the body to the waist and then flares out either to the  knees, the partug(also called pardig)  is a loose  shalwar  which has many folds and is lossely  brought together at the ankles. Men also wear turban and scarf called patkai.
Tradition khet partug(tradition loose shalwar worn in khyber pakhtunkhwa)

          Boys wearing khat partug


Perahan tunban is male dress  worn in khyberpakhtunkhwa and eastern afghanistan.the perahan tunban version of the shalwar kameez is made up of the perahan (the top) which  is wide and loose  with sleeves  also worn loose and pendent from the arm.the perahan worn  in khyber pakhtunkhwa .generally  falls to the knees.the traditional perahan buttons on either shoulder, is collerless, and is meant to be loose.

The tunban(lower garment) is worn loose and hamging.some version of the tunban  have  the ample folds gathered into plaits at the  lower parts of the legs.below the knees to the ankles and the loose part above overhanges in loops.


Male uses pakol (pakul or khapul ) which is rounded  topped hat made up of  soft wool.for wearing it require rolling  from side to form a band which help to rest it on the head just like cap.brown, black  and gray calors are  usually papular for pakol.

                  Man wearing pakol


The tradition female dress is the firaq partug women typically wear solid-coloured trousers, a long kemis shirt with a belt.sometimes they will wear an encompassing burqa over this  outfit or tsadar on their head.
More eleborate and fancier dress are detalied with gold threading, gold beads, and come in many different colors on silk fabrics these dresses are usually worn to special ocassions and weddings.
Majority of the pahtun living in pakistan  also wear th firaq partug (in some parts known as a gagra.)


The female khet is also known as the firaq which forms the firaq partug outfit.the female khet is of two types.the jalana khet and giradana khet.the jalana khet is worn by unmarried  women which is losse  and traditionally of print design.the giradana khet is worn by married women and is of dark colors, especially red.the female khet has many pleats. The style are of the type also worn in afghanistan.

       Afghan girls in tradition clothes(firaq partug)

                    Wedding dress (jumalo)

         Kalash women traditional clothing

                     Pashtun culture

             Pashtun culture fashion girls


  1. Yeahh pukhtoon culture. U have done great effort

  2. Very well written 👍👍👍😍

  3. Pakhtun girls look so pretty in their traditional dresses,thanks radhika for sharing with us about pakhtun culture :)


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