Balochi culture dress

Baloch being rich enough in term of cultural beauty,has got a magnificant and different clothing style,which contrats the baloch from rest of the people of the world.balochi traditional clothing gives a sense of proud to the wear( baloch) any how,let's here a glance over baloch clothing that how it is different and more attractive from rest traditional clothing of the people


The traditional cloth used by baloch men is  a loose, long shirt that is long enough to reach below the knees,this long shirt is used with baggy trousers called shoulder and also used turban.the turban is long fabric wrap around a turban cap on the head.
Although baloch men clothes are less colourful then that of women ,men's clothing is still characterized by special feature that immediately identify the wearer as baloch. The traditional costume worn by baloch men  are usually of white, creamy, or khaki cotton, but historically only a white shirt  and pajamas were worn, with which the colourful embroidered vest make  a striking constrast.the trouser are  extremely wide, hanging in folds between  the legs.they  are drawn  in to waist band and are tapered at the ankles .the loose shirt reaches to the knees or even lower and worn over the trouser.the older style of the  shirt(pashk) has a round neckline  with a buttoned opening on one shoulder.the more modern neckline has a collar and buttoned opening down the front to the waist. Men in colder regiin, used to wear  fully embroidered  jackets over this basic  costume.moreover.the headgear of men consist of a piece of cloth wrapped as a turban or a cap in some of the region of balochistan.the traditional  caps are mostly embroidered and number of small glittering piece of  mirror are incorporated in to the intricate designs.
Balochi culture

  balochi traditional dress

Balochi traditional dress stock

 the huge  balochi shalwaar, the pugh and balochi chawwat along with the traditional balochi waist coat.

The baloch  have  a sharp sense of cultural dressing with turban and long shawls.

A balochi gracefully pulls of the combo of a  long "balochi gheer shalwar "

                             Balochi kid


The female balochi suit consist of head scarf,long dress and shalwar.balochi women wear loose dress which are embroidered  in local designs which include balochi silk.thread  chain stitch embroidery. Balochi dress for women is one of the beautiful cultural sides of balochistan.the balochi dress is attractive in fashion, classic and very rich that a women from any part of world can't deny wearing it. Balochi dress is called "phashik" in  language.

It has heavy embroidery sleeves and has pockets which are in traingle shape .this traingle  shaped pocket is sewed  with daman and lots of  beautiful embroidery is done on it too. Balochi dress is unique  since  the embroidery work on it leads you to unique taste of art in baloch.the pattern, the design of balochi are unique  and eye catching that you cant find that type of embroidery work in other cultural dresses.
In making of balochi dress glass, multiple coloured threads and a fabric is used.this fabric can  be anything  of your choice  but  usually cotton, silk and jorchad is used.talking of appealing colours in balochi dresses, let us tell you that red, green, black, yellow and blue are the most commonly used colors in making of balochi dress, but  due to requirement of design, the balochi dresses can be consisted of countless colours.their combination will definitly take one's heartaway.

Doubtlessly,clothing of baloch has served as the cultured beauty of baloch ,and has also played an immense role for the development of balochi of baloch has been paid tribute  across the world, which has really given a sense of proud to baloch.hope clothing of baloch will contiously serve as a cultural symbol and plays a paramount  role for the development of balochi culture.

Balochi embroidery is very famous among all province and looks phenomanal which is done by talented  balochi women.the embroidery is clled (doch) each doch has different pattern and  threads of this embroidery  are in different colours that are called "haft runga" embroidery work  not only consist of simple thread.women  also mirrors for embellishment of embroidery  dresses.

Here comes  a stunning  balochi dress that will give you the true balochi fels.this is black dress which has beautiful embroidery on top of it. There is a lot of beautiful work on top of the shirt as well as the shoulder which looks eye-catching.








                Stunning balochi colourful dress

Gorgeous balochi dress


Simple yet classy balochi dress


The  balochi dress their children in the typical cultural " balochis" outfits" a sense of pride and beauty

Balochi women wear their balochi outfits and almost on a regular basis .hand embroidered.


  1. Such a good gesture of our nation 💕

  2. Beautifully descibed and so informative...

  3. Very beautiful dresses 👍👍❤

  4. very useful for my project and so prefect pics.👌👌👌❤❤😊❤❤❤👌👌👌💖💖


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