Khyber pakhtunkhwa culture dress

MALE COTHING: The tradition male pashtun dress include the khat partug, and perahan tunban,male usually wear the kufi, peshwari cap, turban sindhi cap, or pakol as tradition headgear. KHAT PARTUG: The traditional clothing for the lower region is the khat partug which is a shalwar kameez combination and is worn by men and women.the khat also called khattaki or in marwat pashtun,kemis) is the shirt which fits closely to the body to the waist and then flares out either to the knees, the partug(also called pardig) is a loose shalwar which has many folds and is lossely brought together at the ankles. Men also wear turban and scarf called patkai. Tradition khet partug(tradition loose shalwar worn in khyber pakhtunkhwa) Boys wearing khat partug PERAHAN TUNBAN: Perahan tunban is male dress worn in khyberpakhtunkhwa and eastern afghanistan.the perahan tun...